Changing Mindsets for Better Wellbeing

the health gospel

BME community Health & Well-being is our priority

We aim to strike a balance between Health, Religion and Social life within our community

Our Vision

An Enlightened Black Minority Ethnic (BME) Community living in a complete state of Wellness

We Empower

We provide Education, Awareness, and Support to reduce poor health outcomes with Cancer burden and other chronic illnesses

Our Mission

To change mindsets that limit positive Health outcomes in the BME Community

Vaccination Campaign

We run Campaigns to increase awareness for vaccine uptake

We Sign Post

We act as an information hub for our Community by signposting individuals to services targeted to their needs.

We Advocate

We are champions for Black Minority Ethnic (BME) group Health and Social Wellbeing. We are also a voice against religious and cultural hindrances to Health.

Feel free to visit and subscribe to the health Gospel Channel on YouTube and spread the word too. Thank you 

Better awareness for Covid vaccine uptake

We provide a platform both in-person and across social media for addressing misconceptions about health and social wellbeing esp. in the current environment. The Health Gospel offers Awareness sessions on Covid Vaccination. COVID-19 vaccines have been proven to work well in preventing severe illness, hospitalization, and death, even against the covid virus. That said, Public health experts say, they’ve noticed reduced protection after initial vaccination, especially among certain populations, against mild and moderate disease. Our aim is to ensure more BME community members are vaccinated and protected as well. 

In that vein, we hold regular Zoom meetings to address specific health topics.

Each session is unique and culturally sensitive to our BME community’s needs.