Changing Mindsets for Better Wellbeing

A Recap of the First Africa Day Event in North East Lincolnshire

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated in the inaugural Africa Day event held in the vibrant town of Grimsby on May 25th, 2024. The event was a true celebration of African unity and culture, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds to commemorate this special occasion.

A special thank you goes out to our dedicated team at The Health Gospel for their unwavering support and commitment to making this event a success. We are immensely grateful to all the volunteers and vendors who contributed their time and resources to ensure a memorable experience for all attendees.

Our appreciation also extends to All Things African for their valuable contributions and support throughout the event. We are truly grateful for the overwhelming support received from friends, family, and the local community, whose presence added to the festive atmosphere of the day. A highlight of the event was the gracious presence of the Mayor and Mayoress, along with their team, who honored us with their attendance. We also extend our thanks to the various organizations across North East Lincolnshire, including the police, our Labour Party MP candidate, VCSE organizations, and all those who played a part in making this event a resounding success.

A heartfelt thank you to all the Africans who joined us in celebrating this special day, showcasing the rich diversity and heritage of the African continent. We are grateful to BBC TV East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire for featuring the event on the news, allowing a wider audience to witness the festivities.

The outpouring of positive feedback and testimonials following the event has been truly humbling, and we are deeply touched by the impact it has had on our community. Special thanks to my family, my sisters, and my unwavering support system for standing by me and making this event possible.

We express our gratitude to all those who traveled from near and far to be a part of this momentous occasion. Your presence and enthusiasm contributed to the success of the event, and we are thankful for your support.

As we reflect on the joyous memories created during the Africa Day event, we look forward to future celebrations that continue to promote unity, diversity, and cultural exchange within our community.

With sincere appreciation,

Dr. Idee Charles For The Health Gospel CIC

