Essential Guide to CPR and Lifesaving First Aid

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is a lifesaving procedure that is done when someone’s heartbeat has stopped or they are not breathing, like in cases of heart attacks or near drowning. This is a quick, easy-to-understand guide about what to do if you find yourself in a situation where you have to use CPR in any case.

When CPR Is Needed Your help in performing CPR is needed immediately if:

The person is not awake. The person is not breathing, is gasping, or is having a respiratory arrest. The person has no pulse and, if possible, it can be. For children and babies: Give breaths if they are not breathing normally or it feels like their circulation may be compromised.

Giving Breaths Scene Safety:
Make sure the scene is safe for the you and the patient.
Check Responsiveness:
Tap and shout. No response? Call for help.
Open Airway:
Tilt head back, lift chin.
Check for Breathing:
Look, Listen, and Feel for no more than 10 seconds.
Give Breaths:
Adults & Children: Press down firmly and rapidly in the center of the chest. Compress at least 100 times each minute but no more than 120.
Use your index finger. Compress the chest about 1.5 inches deep.
Rescue Breaths:
Provide two rescue breaths after 30 compressions.
Continue this cycle until an AED is on hand, appropriate help arrives, or the person becomes conscious again.

Key Indicators
Engage an Automatic External Debrilator at the earliest. Pregnancy If the victim is pregnant, place your hands slightly higher on the chest for compressions. Conclusion CPR can save a life. When in doubt, any action is better than no action. Any quick response can keep oxygen reaching the brain and heart and can sustain life until professional help arrives. Consider taking a certified CPR course for hands-on experience and confidence. Be prepared to really make a difference—every second counts!



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